Beer Finder


Looking for our beer? We can help!

About Beer Finder:

Our Beer Finder pulls data from many of our distributor partners, though not all of them. If you don’t see our products near you, you can check our distribution page to see the territories to which we currently distribute. If we distribute in your area but no beer shows up on the Beer Finder, you can contact the distributor that serves your area – or you can ask us.

The Beer Finder shows where Duck-Rabbit beer has been delivered recently – there’s no guarantee that the beer is still in stock at a given account. Please check with your retailers for the most current information on what is in stock. Thanks!

Not available near you?

The Duck-Rabbit brewery has been steadily increasing our distribution footprint since we opened in 2004, keep checking in with us here and through our social media pages to see when we plan to open new markets. In the meantime, if you find yourself in the area we love getting visitors at our taproom!