A Black Pearl: Duck-Rabbit’s Oatmeal Oyster Stout

Jonathan Swift once purportedly said, “He was a bold man, who first ate an oyster.” Surely, bolder is the man who first added oysters to beer. While the oyster stout may seem like a new style of beer reserved for the upper crust, it actually has its roots in the...

Happy TurDucken-Rabbit Thanksgiving!

Let’s gather around the Thanksgiving table and celebrate those things that we are most thankful for: friends and family, life and health, good food and beer! Beer should absolutely be served with your Thanksgiving meal, because it is the most versatile of all...

Beer, Food, and Fall!

There’s a definite chill in the air and that means it is time to get outside and enjoy the beautiful fall days. This is the perfect time of year to gather around a grill or campfire with friends to share our love of food and beer, and perhaps watch a little football...

A Wee Heavy 160 Shillings! And worth every penny.

Of Sparging and ClarityIn my own journey through the beer world, the 80 Shilling (historic cost per barrel) Scottish Ale became one of the first on my (now very long) list of favorite kinds of beers.Scotch Ale, also known as Wee Heavy, 160 Shillings, and Edinburgh...

Grilling with Beer

“I love cooking with beer! Sometimes I even put it in the food.” Sure this joke usually applies to wine, but it can certainly be used for Duck-Rabbit beer drinkers as well. Fall is on the horizon and the weather is perfect for grilling, so now is the perfect time to...